Kundalini Yoga

Kundalini yoga is one of the oldest forms of yoga. This type of yoga specifically regulates and balances the nervous system, organs and glands so you can live life with more awareness instead of reacting from life's challenges. It utilizes the creative energy that resides at the base of the spine while balancing the different chakras (energies).
There are over 80 different types of 'yoga'. Kundalini yoga contains all these forms of yoga creating a powerful but also calming and centering experience using meditation, yoga postures (asana), breathing practices and chanting. Many of the classes include unique, dynamic movements and rhythm so it is effective in quieting the busy mind to prepare for meditation. Every yoga kriya (series of postures) is designed for a specific effect while also balancing the whole person in general physically, mentally and spiritually.
Kundalini yoga is a potent tool that can give you an opportunity to have a deeper understanding of yourself first without needing to you 'fix' yourself. When you have a deeper understanding of yourself and train your mind to serve you (instead of letting your mind control you) you can be in rhythm with yourself once again while relating with the world with more acceptance, tolerance and compassion.
Although there are many different types of kundalini yoga, the form of yoga classically taught today was brought to the west in the late 1960s with an influence of the Sikh tradition. Both Sikhism and kundalini yoga are separate lifestyles yet they compliment one another. With that said, this practice is ideally taught with upmost integrity and inclusion of all people from different lifestyles, belief systems and genders.
As of 2020 the global kundalini yoga community has undergone significant changes due to ethical breaches brought to light by the teacher, Yogi Bhajan, who brought kundalini yoga to the west. Please read HERE for further details about Bir Kaur's stance in regards to these breaches.