What is Acu Detox (NADA)?
Acu Detox (from the National Acupuncture Detoxification Association) is free to all who participate, requires no intake (only a signed consent form) and there is no talking. Five needles (pins) are used in the protocol. The first two needles are used to relax the nervous system, body and mind. The other three needles are used to detox the kidney, liver and lung organs. They also help to process and release emotions associated with these organs including establishing will power, releasing fear, releasing anger, planning for a brighter future, releasing grief and bringing in inspiration.
Participants sit in a group quietly. Very thin acupuncture needles or ear seeds are placed on the ear on these particular points and retained for 20-30 minutes or longer. A typical session is 1 hour from start to finish. If a participant wants them removed sooner then they can but are asked to stay in the group to not disrupt the group dynamic. If people have ear seeds on then they can go home with them and press on them as a form of self regulation. Research shows that it is a beneficial adjunct form of treatment to other treatment programs including psychotherapy and other addiction/trauma programs. Many healthcare providers, therapists, counselors, mental health workers and addiction counselors are certified in this protocol around the world in addition to Registered Acupuncturists.
A Brief History of the Origins of Acu Detox
Although acupuncture originated thousands of years ago, this particular movement of acupuncture harkens back to a tradition in rural China where citizens were trained in the basics of acupuncture to provide healthcare for the masses. They were called “barefoot doctors”. This barefoot doctor movement for accessible care came to western culture in the 1970s and has ties to the Black Panthers and Young Lords in the South Bronx of New York City. Their grass roots political actions utilized acupuncture (now known as NADA) in detox and community centres as a response to the cry for accessible healthcare due to racist oppression
Acu Detox group circles are held about once a month. Join the email list or contact Bir Kaur for more information.
Auricular Acu Detox Specialist Training
History of Auricular Acupuncture
Dr. Mutulu Shakur and the Lincoln Detox Center
Auricular Acupuncture and Low Back Pain Research
Auricular Acupuncture and Addiction Research