Kundalini Rebirthing Workshops

Held at Lotus Yoga Centre, downtown Toronto

Yogi Bhajan taught a series of Kundalini Yoga rebirthing kriyas in the late 80’s which all have a profound power to clean the subconscious mind. In this workshop, Bir Kaur will guide you through one of those kriyas, designed to help you clear some of the deepest subconscious fears and stories you carry from previous lifetimes. Through this process you create an opportunity to embrace happiness, trust yourself and be yourself.

This workshop is perfect for the intermediate student or enthusiastic beginner as meditations and kriyas are longer in time than a typical Kundalini class. Note this rebirthing kriya is unique compared to rebirthing kriyas from other lineages. Prior to completing the rebirthing kriya we’ll do a warm up and short lecture to prepare you for the rebirthing kriya. No prior experience is necessary.

Visit Workshops & Events for upcoming Workshop Date(s) and Registration

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