Last Two Rebirthing Workshops * July 2020

Sat Nam!

I am excited to announce that we have arrived at the final two Kundalini rebirthing kriyas. That means we will soon have completed 31 kriyas in total since 2017! Many thanks to Gurushabd Kaur and everyone who have attended these rebirthing kriyas. Your support during these monthly offerings these past few years has been a huge gift for me.

I am looking forward to sharing my experience of how this technology has changed my inner landscape in an upcoming post.  After July, I am deciding to take a short break from teaching regular rebirthing kriyas.  It will be a much needed time of integration, reflection, and also preparation for my upcoming Acupuncture board exams in October.

If you want more rebirthing experience, this is your chance:

My husband, Nirmal Singh, will be teaching the first 5 rebirthing kriyas all in one weekend (August 7-9)! Make sure you check out The Wellness Path website soon for information and to sign up. Now you are probably thinking that’s crazy to do 5 rebirthing kriyas in one weekend! Well, it’s not. If you’ve been to one of my previous rebirthing workshops you may have heard me say that you shouldn’t overdo these kriyas as they are quite powerful. This is normally true. Since White Tantric Yoga was cancelled due to COVID19, the Kundalini Research Institute has approved 5 specific rebirthing kriyas to take the place of one White Tantric Yoga course. They will be taught online until COVID19 restrictions are lifted. As a result, the format in August is intentionally designed to create an intensive subconscious cleansing experience similar to that of a White Tantric Yoga course. Many teacher training students need this requirement to complete their certification and this requires a teacher trainer, like Nirmal Singh, to meet that training requirement. These rebirthing kriyas will be available to the public as individual workshops or a weekend package.

You can purchase the manual online. I have personally completed and taught all of these kriyas. I do suggest that you compare the instructions in the book to the videos as there are many small errors in the book. Many of the rebirthing videos are available at the Library of Teachings website for free. You will need to input the exact date of the kriya by clicking on the ‘search by date’ option to find them. Considering the recent allegations against Yogi Bhajan and the direct nature of the lectures, I do want to mention that the original rebirthing videos can be triggering and should be taken into consideration before watching. Nonetheless, I am positive that the transformational power and technology these rebirthing kriyas have just as much relevance, if not more, so that we may build up the strength to meet the challenges we continue to face in the world.

Much to love to you,

Bir Kaur


Virtual Rebirthing Workshop

Rebirthing Kriya Part 1: July 11th

Rebirthing Kriya Part 2: July 25th

Time: 11am-1pm

Pay what you can: $20, $30, $35

50% of  profits will go to the following local organizations….

Black Lives Matter Toronto  (July 11th workshop)

Black Women In Motion (July 25th workshop)

Register: Lotus Yoga Centre


Rebirthing kriyas have a powerful affect to clean the subconscious mind so you can live in harmony with your soul. When the subconscious mind is clear you have an opportunity to think, feel and experience life from the soul level versus from habitual and unconscious patterns. Rebirthing kriyas help people from all walks of life to move forward in their destiny with courage and joy.
This workshop is perfect for the intermediate student or enthusiastic beginner as meditations and kriyas are longer in time than a typical Kundalini class. Note this rebirthing kriya is unique compared to rebirthing kriyas from other lineages. To amplify the potency of the class, there will be a warm-up kriya before the rebirthing kriya. No prior experience is necessary.
Please have a mat, reliable internet connection, headphones (if needed) and cushion available. Create a quiet and sacred space for yourself without distractions. Since we are creating a group energy just as if we were in person, you will be encouraged to keep your video on during the workshop.
You’ll join us live via Zoom, and get lifetime access to the recorded workshop so you can practice and repeat again anytime

Part 1: This virtual workshop will focus on moving through the Twilight Zone and building your electromagnetic field 

Part 2: This virtual workshop will focus on being in union with yourself and your self security 

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