This week I have been feeling many immense and conflicting emotions alongside my pain, grief, and anger. I also feel those emotions from my spiritual family around the world. We are all aware of the collective deconstruction of old systems and upheaval around the world, but admittedly, it is only a distant concept until it directly affects our own community or family. It all started with the publication of a book and then the stories started flooding in like a tsunami. I don’t think I have ever read a book fast as it is a page-turner for sure.
To my spiritual family and the world, please be courageous enough to suspend your beliefs for a moment while honoring the pain within yourself and those who have been hurt in the past. Be in the presence of your humanity which includes all your ugliness, beauty, and narratives of what you may feel is true. Feel it and express it consciously, Let it go…be in LOVE.
If we are going to make it through in any Aquarian facet it is up to us. The teachings were always meant for us all, so that we may be infinitely greater than the messenger. Ultimately it was never really about the messenger no matter how many wonderful gifts were given to us. The gifts we received ultimately came from the One. Many will still like to worship the image of a messenger like some fairy-tale being we create in our heads as an effective way of self-soothing our inner child. It is up for us to decide where to go from here and how to do that with the highest character and caliber. This message is for all communities who are in search to be in common humanity together.
“Let our common humanity be the highest spiritual path.” ~Guru Nanak